Introduction to the Swedish School System

National Agency for Education in Sweden offer this course for Ukrainian refugees with a teacher’s education, or experience of teaching and instruction at schools and early childhood education in Ukraine.

  • Ukrainian refugees with a teacher’s education or experience

  • 7,5 hp

Call to action

The aim of the course

The aim of the course is to provide the participants with basic knowledge of the organization of Swedish schools and early childhood education, and about the relationship between teachers and students/children in Sweden in a historical and contemporary perspective.


Gain knowledge and understanding of the values of the Swedish school system

The course aims to help the participants gain knowledge and understanding of the values of the Swedish school system in relation to basic democratic and human rights. 

After completing the course, participants should be able to work as, for example, teaching assistants in different school forms in Sweden.

Two seminars with Rädda Barnen

After completing the course, participants will be invited to two seminars (2 days online) with Rädda Barnen.

Day 1

The Three Pillars of Transforming Care helps and guides adults to understand and meet the basic needs of children and young people who have suffered serious and traumatic events in order to heal and recover by creating a social environment that promote a sense of safety, connections, and good coping strategies. The training provides basic knowledge of trauma and how adults can understand and meet the trauma-related needs in children and young adults.

Day 2

Comfort, Calm, Support describes how adults can support children after critical incidents and during emergencies affecting society as a whole. Comfort, Calm, Support is built on the principles of psychological first aid and the five essential elements that help children recover:

  1. a sense of safety
  2. a feeling of calm
  3. a feeling of belonging
  4. self-confidence and trust in society
  5. hope

The training provides concrete examples of activities and approaches that help to promote security, calm, community, and trust in one’s own ability to cope with difficult situations. In the long run, these proven strategies help the child to feel confident that adults nearby and in the community are doing everything they can to solve problems that arises.

Senast uppdaterad 31 maj 2024.